HAVE YOU HAD IT YET? PHOTO — ANCIENT TREE, PHIMAI — BY PAUL DUNBAR REVISED MAY 2024 Carbon is the element of life, the chemical basis of all known life-forms. It is the fourth most abundant element in the universe, and the second in the human body, after oxygen. It is the unique and, indeed, […]

What MONCKTON is DOING WRONG (since he asks)

“If it isn’t showing up in my atmospheric monitoring, what am I doing wrong?” appeals Lord Monckton in a 2013 interview with Jonathan Eisen. In fact there are many competent professionals and citizen researchers into the ‘chemtrails’ phenomenon who could give him a lead in how to conduct a methodical investigation, and enlighten him as to what […]


Kristen Meghan’s first reaction on hearing talk of “chemtrails” was to feel personally offended. She was an industrial hygienist and environmental specialist working for the Air Force in bio-environmental engineering. She had joined up after 9/11 and was committed to her oath of service, and when in 2006 friends started coming to her with questions […]


The appeal to ignorance is an appeal to lack of imagination. Without imagination, new knowledge is impossible. How can you believe something you cannot imagine? When deployed by a trained mind, the argumentum ad ignorantiam represents a cynical ploy to exploit these limitations. One man who has argued with keen logic and clarity against the […]


(PHUKET, 2017) I spend the day writing, and before sunset I drive a couple of miles to Ya Nui, a small beach where I can watch the sun go down. I need to refocus my eyes after hours too close to a screen. Holiday families are packing up and drifting away from the beach. Thai […]


  I first noticed it in Amsterdam, relaxing in friend’s motorboat as we pottered around town and out into the countryside south of the city. All afternoon, lying back in the bow, I watched plane after plane laying down white trails in a blue sky — trails which twisted like ribbons, ruffled at the edges, spread […]


ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY OF PEACE In 1967, a book was published by Dial Press which purported to be the report of a secret government commission, leaked by one of its members. Entitled The Report from Iron Mountain – On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, the book exposes the kind of thinking, cold, […]


In late 2011, I was walking through rainforest in the hills above Chiang Dao in northern Thailand with about a hundred twelve-year-old children and a handful of teachers. The forest was quiet, apart from the whooping and chattering of kids happy to be away with their friends for a few days. The guide had told […]