‘Quite simply, the lethal text is a text that, when read, renders the reader incapable of reading. It destroys the reader’s mind, inducing a crippling insanity. Only those who have read a lethal text know what it says… but they are in no position to share their knowledge.’


HAVE YOU HAD IT YET? PHOTO — ANCIENT TREE, PHIMAI — BY PAUL DUNBAR REVISED MAY 2024 Carbon is the element of life, the chemical basis of all known life-forms. It is the fourth most abundant element in the universe, and the second in the human body, after oxygen. It is the unique and, indeed, […]

Lethal Text on Substack, X

This is still my main site, where I publish new work, but I’m archiving selected pieces on Substack (including that memory-holed piece). Seems sensible to diversify a little, and try to expose my rather diverse lockdown writings. In the winter of 2019 I was melting my boots in brushfires in Isan, and writing about climate. […]


PARIJAH DIARIES 16 Stay Safe With Leather ALIEN Facehugger Mask I’ll never forget the first time I saw Riddley Scott’s Alien. In 1979 I was in London, studying for a PGCE at a college in Richmond, and having a free afternoon I took a train into the centre to watch a movie. I’d been attracted […]

C G Jung The Integration of the Personality

Key concepts and theories of Carl Gustav Jung’s analytical psychology Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who developed the concept of analytical psychology. He is renowned for his theories on the collective unconscious, archetypes, and the process of individuation. [[innate autonomy archetype integration embody abstract censorship]] Key Concepts: ________________________________________________________________________ “This thing […]


OR, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love CO2 James Ephraim Lovelock was the much honoured British scientist famous for a beautiful and irresistible idea known as the Gaia hypothesis. Dr Lovelock was a self-made man in the best tradition of scientists of a previous age. His parents were poor, and he financed his […]


PARIJAH DIARIES 15 It’s not surprising, I suppose. To look squarely at what is happening in the world at this time is extremely disturbing, and people have quickly evolved reasons for not doing so — even in my unvaccinated circles. At least a couple of people — one vaccinated, one not — have asked me, […]


PARIJAH DIARIES 14 And let us not speak falsely now, for the hour is getting late. –Bob Dylan, All Along the Watchtower In the garden at Bohemia there’s a brick circle laid into the gravel, and some months ago a young man called Theo fashioned a perfect yinyang inside it, using pale brown pebbles and […]


PARIJAH DIARIES 10 Chiney has friends, if you know what I mean, and he can get away with some things, to a degree. He would never boast about it, and knows the wisdom of making yourself seem smaller than you are. He had to close during the draconian lockdowns of 2020, and was forced to […]