These are uncertain times. So everyone keeps saying.
“In these uncertain times…”
“In these times of great uncertainty…”
Uncertain times — and yet so predictable. So predicted.
Three years ago, on 27th April 2018, vaccine Messiah and ‘strategic philanthropist’ Bill Gates, invited to deliver the Shattuck Lecture in Boston, Massachusetts, warned that we were all at risk from ‘super-pathogens’ spreading quickly across the planet, and advised that “The world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war, i.e., by staging simulations, war games and preparedness exercises so that we can better understand how diseases will spread and how to deal with responses such as quarantine and communications to minimise panic.”
Gates based his remarks on a study by his own Institute for Disease Modelling, justifying his prediction that an outbreak of ‘a highly contagious and lethal airborne pathogen – like the 1918 flu’ – would leave 33,000,000 dead.
“Nearly 33 million people worldwide would die in just six months.”
33 million. Get it?
Don’t look at the zeros. Those are just there to frighten the herd.
CNBC and other mainstream sources, interestingly, translated Gates’ figure to ‘more than 30,000,000’.
Interesting. Clearly the herd doesn’t need threes, just lots and lots of zeros.
Gates followed up on his own advice eighteen months later, when his Foundation in collaboration with the World Economic Forum hosted a multimedia global pandemic exercise at John Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security, on 18th October 2019. ‘EVENT 201’, they called it, the Center’s website explaining that there are approximately 200 epidemic ‘events’ every year, regional outbreaks of this or that disease. Event 201, then, is what happens when one of these goes global.
In the table-top exercise, fifteen invited ‘players’ drawn from business, government, and public health organisations (including, by the way, the Centers for Disease Control of both the USA and China) responded to ‘inputs’ — simulated events, reports and projections — from an in-house ‘simulation team’, and explored solutions and consequences.
In its brochure for the event, the John Hopkins Center for Health Security stresses — in caps and italics — that “EVENT 201 IS A FICTIONAL EXERCISE AND DISEASE”.
The fictional virus is ‘zoonotic’, meaning it has ‘jumped’ from animals to humans, as all these pandemic viruses allegedly do, from HIV (monkeys) to Ebola (duikers and gorillas) to MERS (bats and camels) to swine and avian flu. In the simulation, the virus came from pigs. In real life, if that’s what this is, it jumped out of a bowl of bat soup in a wet-market in Wuhan, China.
And a virus which escapes from fiction into reality, what do we call that?
My question is this: did the Event 201 simulations team ever stand down? Or was the table-top war-game merged smoothly into a live kinetic exercise, co-opting the citizens, resources and information-streams of the global table-top — merging real and virtual worlds like Pokémon Go?
By the way, the outcome of Event 201’s simulation was over 65,000,000 dead. Which is nearly 66 million.
Gates repeated his dire warnings in a Netflix Documentary called The Next Pandemic, released on the 7th November 2019 as part of its ‘Explained’ series, and this time he even specified a novel coronavirus instead of vague talk about ‘super-pathogens’. Not only that, but the film-makers visited a ‘wet market’ in Lianghua, Guangdong, China, describing it as a ‘Disease X factory’. Over images of freshly killed creatures stacked together, the voice-over explains: ‘All the while, their viruses are mixing and mutating, increasing the odds that one finds its way to humans.’
“It’s very strange,” said co-director Doug Schultz, quoted in the LA Times, “to look back and see that we sort of took this trip through exactly what is happening right now.”
Schultz might be surprised to learn how often in the past decade we have taken just such a trip. In 2017, the John Hopkins Center for Health Security published ‘The SPARS Pandemic, 2025-28 – A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators’, which mirrors, step by step, the events we have seen unfold over the past year.
Earlier the same year, in the week leading up to the inauguration of Donald Trump on 20th January 2017, we find Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases since 1984, (who for a month or two in 2020 seemed to have taken over as the de facto president of the United States), warning the world that a ‘surprise outbreak’ would occur during the Trump administration. This announcement was made in a keynote speech entitled “Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration” at Georgetown University Medical Center.
“There is no question,” said Dr Fauci, “that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases. Both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, but also there will be a surprise outbreak.”
No question.
Will be.
A surprise.
But not to him.
So certain, in these uncertain times.
Event 201 called its fictional virus nCOV — n for novel, that is. The real virus is officially designated SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Yet the public is taught to call the disease COVID-19. Where does the ID come from?
Well, the nCOV — the real one, that is — was identified in December 2019. Nothing to do, then, with Gates’ ‘ID2020’ project, announced at his ID2020 Summit on 19th September 2019, to confer a global digital identity (Microsoft, of course) on everyone on the planet, because “The ability to prove who you are is a fundamental and universal human right.”
In a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) on 18th March 2020, just one week into the WHO’s pandemic, Gates wrote: “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”
In his writings and speeches Gates consistently promotes vaccination as the only way out of the economically devastating lockdowns which have been imposed by governments all over the world.
“For the world at large, normalcy only returns when we have largely vaccinated the entire global population,” Gates stated (quoted in the Financial Times of 9th April 2020).
These twin projects of universal vaccination and universal digital identity come together in the plan for digital vaccination certificates, and biotech companies are developing technologies to satisfy both agendas. For example, Inovio’s INO-4800 is a DNA vaccine, delivered not by syringe but by a proprietary hand-held device called the CELLECTRA, developed with the aid of a $5 million grant from the Gates Foundation. One needle injects the DNA while two others use electric pulses to force the cell membranes to open so that they accept foreign DNA at a thousand times the rate they normally would. At the same time the device implants a series of ‘quantum dots’ — a ‘digital tattoo’, scannable by smart phones. ‘Quantum dots’ are tiny semi-conducting crystals that reflect light, themselves developed at MIT at the end of 2019 in research funded by the Gates Foundation, along with a revolutionary micro-needle patch method of vaccine delivery.
This, then, will be your COVID: Certificate Of Vaccination ID.
The ID2020 website calls such tattoos a ‘portable digital ID’. What a beautiful euphemism — indelible codes tattooed into your skin are indeed ‘portable’; you don’t have any choice.
Inmates at Auschwitz, I seem to remember, also had tattooed ‘portable IDs’ — IBM serial numbers, in fact — but let’s not mention that. Of course, as Sigmund Freud knew, whatever you are not supposed to mention does have a way of slipping out, like a virus escaping from a lab, as when Bill Gates, interviewed by Stephen Colbert on CBS’s The Late Show, called vaccinations ‘the final solution’.
This exchange took place on 24th April, just four days after Hitler’s birthday, which falls on 20th April — as every good eugenicist knows.
When Colbert picks him up on the phrase — Er, just to head off the conspiracy theorists, maybe we shouldn’t call the vaccine ‘the final solution’ — Gates is highly amused by his slip.
‘Good point,’ he laughs, and rephrases. ‘The return-to-normal solution’.
Except that there will be no return to normal. Instead, access to an impoverished and disempowered ‘new normal’ will be dependent on having ‘digital proof of immunity’, without which it will not be possible to travel, work, or freely associate with the certified immune. Because the unvaccinated, obviously, might endanger the vaccinated, the untattooed imperil the tattooed. A new Untouchable caste will come into existence.
When Gates floated the idea of digital vaccination certificates, he wasn’t just talking off the top of his head. It turns out that planning for such certificates had already been underway for some time — since long before the emergence of the novel coronavirus, in fact. From 2018 onwards, the European Commission was developing its ‘Roadmap on Vaccination’ plan, the explicit end-goal of which is the institution of ‘vaccination passports’ for all EU citizens. The document was last updated in the third quarter of 2019 — that is, September 2019 at the latest.

The implications of this are staggering. The European Commission was already developing a vaccination passport scheme six months before the pandemic was declared. At the time, there existed no possible justification for such a scheme, which would have had no relevance to citizens’ lives and no chance of being accepted by them, without the sudden arrival of a viral epidemic, its impact amplified by incessant fear-propaganda and an inappropriate testing regime that massively inflated the apparent death-count. The question must then arise as to whether vaccination passports are proposed as a response to the pandemic, or the pandemic contrived as a pretext for the passports. The timing allows only one of these alternatives. If there is another viable interpretation, I would love to hear it.
With the ability to work, travel, freely associate or even obtain the necessities of life made conditional on the passport, the scheme would effectively remove an individual’s choice whether or not to participate in an ongoing vaccination programme and abrogate any meaningful concept of bodily integrity. It would then provide a platform on which to construct social credit schemes and the apparatus of a totalitarian Biosecurity State.
If we peel back a whole decade to May 2010, we find The Rockefeller Foundation’s report ‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,’ published in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. Among its futuristic scenarios, there is one entitled ‘LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.’
Using the future-historical narrative voice, the authors outline the scenario:
“In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months…
“The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.
“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”
Past tense for what’s to come.
A surprise, but no surprise.
Uncharted territory. And yet so familiar.
So certain, in these uncertain times.
I wish.